We have a NEW PRODUCT here at your favorite Ford store!
We are now selling Rock Guard!!!! This is the most awesome product ever to come out! This is something to keep your vehicle looking like the day you bought it! It is a clear nose-mask put on your new vehicle here
at Fugate Ford! The great thing about this 3M product is, that it covers the most vulnerable parts of your car or truck! Not only is it on the front of the vehicle, it is on all door-jams, side mirrors under your door handles and oon the rear bumper. This product has been proven to uphold more value on your car or truck when you look to trade it in. It prevents any road debris damaging your investment. It has a 5 year warranty for the work, and a life time warranty for the product itself. If you have any free time to come in and take a look at how this protects your investment please stop in anytime and take a gander at how it works.